The Bank was established in Tunis in November 1984 as an off shore banking unit, with an authorized share-capital of USD 30.000.000,00 equally subscribed between the Tunisian State and the Forebank.
NAIB BANK deals mainly in international banking operations.NAIB BANK has first built a wide international correspondent network and business relations in major financial centers .Then, its favourable local context and its incentive off-shore status helped to implement its own “businessconcept” targeted towards finalizing both resident and non resident, small and medium-size exporting enterprises ‘foreign trade operations.NAIB BANK succeeded in this emerging sector and performed satisfactory financial results, enabling it to focus on wider market shares and on extending its international expertise towards foreign partnership and investment’s activities, which prospects for Tunisia, the base country, are more than attractive and promising
The international character of its services via its access to the international Money Markets, interest rates, hedging and fiscal optimum conditions.
The multiform financial packages met by its private and corporate customers who find diversified and tailor-made answers to their needs, whether in financing matters ( facilities on current accounts, discounts, direct or syndicated loans…) or in connex operations ( documentary credit, international guarantees, transfers, exchange, time deposit and treasury management …..)
The rapid finalization of customers' operations and the personalization of services thanks to the human size of the bank and the professionalism of its team.
The competitive operations' handling costs .